Good Morning!
It's Halloween today! :D Everyone feeling spooky all over??
I'm gonna celebrate Halloween only tomorrow, But that's ok cause it's Halloween weekend XD
I can't wait for our group costume it's gonna be hilarious XD
Last night I did my Halloween nails after forever that I didn't do my nails at all
All the spooky elements!:D
My nails are still a mess cause of so long that I didn't take care of them and bite them and also work did a lot of damage and so I hope that with the gel they will last longer and they will get back to the good strong nails they once were ToT
I'm so happy! I didn't have decorated nails in so long!
I woke up before my alarm clock again today~
I feel a lot better today I'm really glad I took yesterday off that was a good decision

I'm still couging though>< Hope that it will pass till tomorrow night~
Today' I doing a double shift (again) but that's ok I need the money lol
Thinking of doing a Halloween themes outfit today:> We'll see
Happy Halloween everyone! If you go out today be sure to take lots of pics and post them somewhere I can see!XD