



it's raining since yesterday 

today's outfit is just warm

Startin a new week
the last one of the year
and intending it will be a good one

it was an eventful year
not actually in the physical aspect but more like in my self journey 

I worked hard on myself 
harder then ever
this is already marking 2 years since I started this self work, mental diet and new belief system 
I saw the fruit to my hard work lately, and I couldn't be more proud of myself 
I just know that if I keep pushing through I will see more and more of it

but for now,
I'm choosing every day to be the version of myself that knows that everything is unfolding perfectly, I trust myself and love myself and that's the whole thing really. 

I didn't mean to get all talky in this post but somehow it happened (((^^;)

so let's have a wonderful last week of theyear♡


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