

Finally a moment to blog!

on my bday last week Hatul & I went to eat brunch and to the beach🌊

we took the deal where you get a lot of small dishes for a couple and let me tell you, it wasn't small www

we ate WAY TOO MUCH and couldn't even finished it all w

but everything was do good and it was fun(^ω^)

then we rolled to the beach w

got a little bit of tan

it was really fun and I can't wait to go to the beach again!
then we planned to eat lunch but we were still too full ww
so we had ice cream and headed home^^

gonna continue about the day later cause I gotta get off the bus!

bye for now♡

1 件のコメント:

  1. So glad to hear you had so much fun! I wish we had a beach near us but we're in the desert w Also I love that bikini! So cute and colorful!
