

Yesterday I met Innu for a walk and a snack

now that we're neighbors it's so easy to meet spontaneously 
we live 5 minutes from each other

we went to the park and watched the sunset again

pretty night view🌃


then we went to find something to eat

we shared salad and cheese cake(^q^)

then I came home and from that point I have exciting news but I'm not ready to share yet

today I start a new week but I have something to keep me going

even though I'm very confused this morning cause I couldn't tell if it was raining 
and even worse- if there's a rocket attack on my city?
it's complicated to explain 
but the good news are- I'm still alive

that's life for you~

I'm getting of the bus soon so I'll talk to u later
hope you have a great week♡

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