
Makeup Talk!☆ Natural fake lashes(゚ω゚)


Today's post will be ☆Makeup Talk☆! I want to recommend a beauty tool that I've beem using and loving for a while now~

This is yesterday's simple make↓

An important part of my daily makeup is a good eyelash curler(*・ω・)
since I don't use fake lashes to work, but still want my makeup to be gyaru inspired, I need to make sure my lashes looks as bold and extra as I can(‘∀‘ )w

I tried many curlers (ビューラー)and they were always OK bit I couldn't say that the difference they made was as extreme as in the one I'm using rn

I bought it from Catrice, which is a puchipura brand, so I didn't expect much
but I noticed that is doesn't have a sponge or cushion, but a plastic part that seem too hard to do anything but ended up curling my lashes the best!



Now applying heavy mascara on it and the result looks like this:

I think that the tabakan lashes (grouped lashes) are not perfect that time but ok(((^^;)

I already talked a few times about this mascara by Maybelline and I again I want to recommend it for the tabakan matsuge look!

with the combo of this mascara and Catrice curler I feel like my eyemake looks more bold and cute and my lashes looks longer and dollier(^ω^)

buuuttt also on days when I don't have time to build and group my lashes and I just apply my mascara and get done with it, it still looks really cute↓

so I highly recommend you guys to try this curler and mascara or if you can't find Catrice products, try to find a curler that has this plastic base

I mean this part(^_^)/

I started this post yesterday but I didn't have time to finish it and when I got home I was already so tired and lazy to do it w
today I slept till so late(;´д`) I hate when it happens 
it's not already 11:30 and I feel like half of my day is gone (I know it's not true but I'm used to wake up at 5 am w)

I'm gonna make myself a second cup of coffee now so see u later~
Have a lovely weekend!

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