We're in Dubai!
it's just a stop on our way to our real destination (゚ω゚)
But we have 13 hours so we spend our time without a rush
look what we found at the airport!
I didn't know there is a Pink shop here! I was so pleasantly surprised!
Hatul w
the Shopper is so cuteeee
the flight was OK,
it was only 3 hours
and gor breakfast we got pancakes 🥞 (`ω´)
we slept half of the flight and it passed quickly
then it was a hassle to get out of the huge airport
but we found our way in the end
then we took the metro to Dubai mall
it's so huge!!!
everything is huge here
but all and all outside looks like big Tel Aviv w
scary looking fountain
We're now waiting for lunch at a Chinese restaurant
I'm not gonna eat too much cause I already ate a donut when we just got here w🍩
I'll post again later
bye for now!♡
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