

 This morning was supposed to go wrong but nothing can go wrong in my life am I right


before I left home I had the feeling I have to check if my wallet is in my bag
I never check cause basically there's no reason it won't be unless I used different bags
but since I didn't leave the house all weekend there was no reason why my wallet wouldn't be in my bag
so I checked 
and it wasn't there!
it was literally when I was at the door

so I got back and looked if maybe it was somewhere in the apartment, maybe I took it out and I forgot 
but it was nowhere to be found 
so then I thought it has to be in the conbini cause before coming home of Friday I did some grocery shopping in the conbini that is a bit far away from my apartment 
so I told my boss I'll be late for work today and I walked there
it was there!
so then I walked to the Bursa to catch my bus and now I'm on it omw to work
and I even enjoyed this morning walk

and you know what the best thing is?
the old me would have a he'll of a morning full of anxiety and feeling like all the bad things happen me,
I would probably cry and be historical 
and I would probably say things like "always" and "just my luck"

but that's the old me
after all the self work I did
I was actually pretty calm and I could feel that everything is going to work out
I didn't have those horrible feelings of anxiety and anger
and I'm so so soooo happy for that
I'm so happy for the progress I've done in choosing to be the me that doesn't feel unlucky.

all thanks to LOA, really
so that's it about my morning w
and how was your morning?

let's start this new week in good energy!


2 件のコメント:

  1. Yes! Oh yes! This is the spirit <3 So excited to read this <3
