
Ramen popup🍜

Just got home!

we went to ramen popup for dinner~

it's second time for this popup
I think last time was almost a year ago
the chef is TomTom

It's vegetarian Ramen(。-ω-)



the sky looked pretty~

We were supposed to eat with Hatul's band mates but in the end it was only one of them and his gf and she's really sweet♡
I had fun(^ω^)

after that we took the light train home and stopped at the combining to buy drinks cause we were all so thirsty from all the saltiness www

now I'm at home trying not to fall asleep on the couch笑

bye for now!

2 件のコメント:

  1. (づ๑·ᴗ·๑)づ♡ Omg vegetarian ramen! I've never eaten one like that before, I'll have to try it sometime.
    You also had a nice view of the sky. ପ(๑·ᴗ·๑)ଓ ♡

    1. it was so good! like really the soup was perfect♡ it was actually vegan but I added the egg w
