

this was yesterday's make to the manba meet🌺

ended up as an oldschool meet w cause I always somehow go more 90s kogyaru/ganguro then early 2000s manba

I have way too many picsssss

so we met at mcdo like back in the day
I forgot how noisy it is! was a little hard to do my make but OK ww

first time meeting Mikey!
she's another israeli gal!🌺💕

doing our make

my mess(‘∀‘ )


changing my flipflops to my atsuzokos


and taking some pics!

then we had lunch (at mcdo)
and then we went to look at some shops:>

this post is already too long and I have to do some laundry 
I'll continue in my next post! if not later today then tomorrow morning (-.-)y-~

bye for now!

2 件のコメント:

  1. Mikey seems fun lol and it's so crazy I forgot you guys used to do your makeup in mcdonalds all the time!

    1. yes!w
      I forgot how loud it was and how bad thr lighting is wwww
      and Mikey is so cute and pretty and fun♡ I love seeing more gals in my country 🥺🥺
