
Manba/oldschool meet p.2🌺


here's the rest of the photos that I have from the meet 2 days ago!

tbh I have more w
and I still haven't got the photos from my dejicame
but oh well ww

we went on the roof to take some pics

dizisen's roof is full of interesting people tbh ww

Mikey is a badass

I'll post the dejicame outfit pics I promise

while we took them we were next to a group of people that later came up to us and asked to take a photo with us(^ω^)

they were really nice~ and told us we look cool

that one guy with he camera also took a photo of just the 4 of us and sent it to me yesterday 

Innu is so bihaku next to us🌝

then we went to buy coffee and look at some stores

Noichi taking a picture of me on her minicam

I found some cute things at the metzion but I ended up not buying them
the good news are Innu bought them at least! so I didn't find them items for nothing☆

I really try not to spend too much right now
trying to save for my coming trip👀

I'm getting off the bus soon so I'll end this post here
and as for today's co*de and make
I'll show them in a different post!

bye for now!

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