Today is my weekly day off from work, Cause I have a hair salon appointment♡
it's in a few hours so I need to get ready but wanted to have my morning coffee calmly on the sofa first w (。-ω-)
So how it's been since I got back?
it's almost a week
hard to believe a week ago I was still in Tokyo
I miss it terribly
sometimes I feel really down cause I wanna go back and I feel a bad heart ache when I think about how I don't know when will be my next trip to Japan
but also I'm glad to be home to see my family and friends
work hasn't been too bad on the professional side
I find myself a lot more patient and calm and I like how refreshing it is
I guess I needed the break
I feel kinda empty though,
like it's hard for me to connect to any emotion or situation which is good for work but weird in other things
it's hard to explain
it's like a void
I know it sounds dramatic
but quite frankly, the last few years hasn't been easy for me
I feel like those 3 weeks in Japan were like a slap in a way
suddenly making me aware of who I am and what I want and what I love and so on
again, it sound dramatic,
but it's true
well now, I have to start getting ready, and I feel like this post is becoming too personal w
so I'll stop here
I'll post again later today♡