How are you?^^ Is the weather so lovely where you live too?
Here it feels like spring!
After the coldest days that we had last week we finally have some sun^^ I'm so happy! When I woke up I opened all the windows and I'm doing laundry since lol
Now I'm waiting for the last machine to finish:D
I just realized it's Setsubun today! Now wonder it feels like spring!:D
So I did something that I'm really happy about!XD I finally did a parapara video! I didn't do one alone since 2010 maybe~ Even before omg maybe it was 2008? no way.
Anyway, I don't want to check cause I don't wanna see itXD
This time I did a video of the para para dance Misery Of Love from campus summit 2006 [The one where 'Magic To Love' appeared too^^]. I feel so happy I did it! Cause I wanted to for so long and I don't know why there was always something that stopped me. Now I want to do many more!XD
So here it is~ I'll be happy to hear what you think!^^
I really want more gals to do para para videos again~ There used to be lots of them but now somehow almost no one is doing it anymoreT_T I think para para is just not so much a part of today's gal culture. I really wish it will be though!
If anyone did or doing a para para video, please send me the link!XD
Also I did new nails on Friday~
I don't know I feel they're a little boring. I love the colors and the pattern but I feel like adding something to them? Any suggestions?:D
And now for 2 outfits of this week~
This one from yesterday-
Mokomoko top...Abercrombie
Plaid dress...FOX brand
Hair brand from Shuk HaKarmel
Choker...Panda Shop
And a completely different styleXD
Shirt...Nakano Broadway
Jacket...Hatuli'sXD [From DELTA]
Scarf...second hand brand from Jaffa st Jerusalem
And some sweet style gets!:D
I got 2 new skirts and one adorable knit^^
This skirt from Ank Rouge was a present from my mom<3
Can it be more perfect? Gingham & Kitties.
This one from Liz Lisa~
I actually bought it cause my Snidel tutu skirt is a little worn out lol but I thought it is pure white and apparently it's cream;; I really like it though, But I still need a new white tutu skirtXD
And I got this adorable knit from a random shop on Jaffa st. for only 20 NIS!
It's super soft and the color is so cute!
I don't have many clothes in this color so I'm happy I found it. Still hoped there will be a pink one too but noXD
So that's all that new with meXD I think.
I'm finally on my very first day off where I have nothing at all to do not school not work.. Nothing!

Well.. I lied. I need to study for my test tomorrow lol but that's itXD
Also tomorrow there is Nettan's Birthday Event!:D It's actually her birthday today^^
Then I again at my parents house for the weekend^^
So I wish everyone a lovely day!<3
ציפורניים מושלמות!!! אני אובססיבית לגבי מנומר כרגע ולא יודעת כל כך איך לשלב את זה... רעיון מושלם :) כל השאר כמובן מהמם כרגיל ♥♥♥ מחכה לפוסט הבא :>