How are you today? Here it's already after midnight, And I'm at my parents house again~ Today I went with my mom to the doctor and then we had coffee together^^ When we came home we ate small dinner with my dad and brother and it was very nice^^
I'm happy I came here today cause yesterday as I said in my last post, Hatuli went to a trip with his friends for a few days and I felt really cold and lonely in the apartmentT_T I have Geo but it's not the same~ Also that rain;0; ugh
Today's post is full with one of my current favorite brands~W♥C
I'm pretty sure most people know this brand but for those who doesn't, This is a brand by the coolest Wkatasuki Chinatsu and her main character is Kumatan^^
The store used to be in Shibuya [Not inside 109 but in sentagai] but now it's actually closed and it kinda moved to Harajuku but actually the store is very different now since it's selling mainly second hand 90's clothes and accessories. There is a second floor to she store and there there are some Kumatan products. From what I understood and if anyone knows something different please correct me, Kumatan and original W♥C product are now mainly sold by web store~
There is W♥C and there is like a sister\doughter [XD] which is 'Kumatan Japan' [For example they have different websites and IG accounts].
You can also find Kuamatan products at Kiddy Land in Omotesando^^
W♥C's concept used to be kinda boho-amekaji style which I LOVE. Now days it changes a bit and there are more Harajuku style clothes, But Wakatsuki Chinatsu still keeps the Amekaji style in her clothes and also lots of humor in her prints:D
So right now this is one of my favorite brands~ I try to find and buy mostly old style items but I also really want some new ones~ I have a long wishlistXD
But mostly I'm a sucker for Kumatan stuffXDD
And so I got myself a new knit & bag that I actually wanted since I started gyaru years ago~
Since I got this bag I think I used another bag only once lol
It just goes so well with every outfit I makeXDD
Well this knit is one of the famous W♥C items that had many replicas in Aliexpress back in 2012XD Luckily I got an original one~'
And the bad is originally was a fukubukuro and that's why it's so bigXD
[The bag & the knit!:D]
So yeah, There are many more W♥C items I wanna get and hopefully I will<3
Here are 2 outfits I did with the bag~
[I still didn't wear the knit but I have an outfit already plannedXDD]
See how big this bag is??
So awesome~
Pants...FOX brand
Hat...Jaffa st. Jerusalem
Jacket...Central station TLV
Shoes...NEWS brand
Fashion points!
Those shoes are actually also new~ My mom bought them for me at a store called 'NEWS'~
And before we finish talking about W♥C, Here are some more pics^^
First of all, My favorite W♥C shopstaff [that is no longer working there] is Ainyan~ Here are some pics of her^^
And some other shopstaff\models wearing W♥C
And some pics of Wakatsuki herself:D
I have lots of those but I'll try to hold myselfXD
With Nana Suzuki that used to wear W♥C a lot
So, What do you think of that brand?
And for something a little different and maybe not so muchXD
I though I'd share with you what Apps I use to edit my pics since I get that question a lot on IG and also sometimes in other media~

So basically I use 3 Apps but it can be only 2 and I'll explain why in a minuteXD
I use:
LINE Camera
The reason Fotor is not so important is because I use it to edit colors and lighting, And you can also do that on Camera360~
this App as I said can be used to edit colors, Size and basic things like that, But usually I use it for the filters. I like the filters in other Apps but I find those the cutest~ They usually add a cute gloss to every pic and you can control it of course.
The 2 filters I usually use are:
That adds a little bit gloss but still doesn't look too smudgy~ If you want it to be more extreme you can use the Glossy filter next to it~
Again, glossy, and also edit the photo in cute soft colors that usually looks very pastel-ish^^
I also like the filter Sexy lips that make the photo black&white and only the warm colors stay orange [like lips, red nails\clothes\accessories\etc], But I don't use it that much.
LINE Camera
I use this App to add stickers on my photos~ I'm kinda addicted and I add stickers to almost every IG pic I postXD
I love to but stickers cause they're usually the cutest and I think it worth it if you use a lot of stickers in your pics.
My current favorite stickers are of course:
I also want to buy the other Kumatan stickers but I still didn't get tired of those so I'm waitingXDD
I also use LINE Camera to make a collage for my outfit pics^^
Well, That's it for today's post.
I hope it was interesting and also I hope I'll be able to get more WC in the future:DDDDDDD
Tomorrow I'm going to meet Mayu in Tel Aviv^^ Gonna be fun!<3
I wish you all a great day\good night!:D
love love love your style..*_*