How are you today?
I haven't been posting for a few days.. I have a lot to blog about now!T0T The truth is, I'm working on a new Hebrew blog that I've been planning for a long time.. More details coming soonXD
So what else is new? I spent a lot of time at my parents house lately, and on Wednesday I'm flying to Disneyland Paris with my mom, brother & cousin!^^ I'm so happy!:D
So in today's post I'll write about passover, I have some new outfits & gets and also I made a small eyebrow tutorial^^
Some time ago was a Jewish holiday called Passover~
The day before was the last day at work before we closed for a week! So it was super crazy and so many people came and wanted waffles omgXD
Then we had to clean the whole place and I got home at 6:30 am!!!
This was me during work
[My boss gave us smiley stickers]
And the highlight of that evening~
The morning after I woke up late and then I went to my parents house with Hatuli.
We had a big passover dinner and it was nice~
This was my dinner coord:
Skirt...Ank Rouge brand
Ring...My mom's
Top lashes are Diamond Lash Beauty Eye, No bottom lashes.
Lipstick- CandyDoll Ramune Pink
And here is the small tutorial I promised~

1. Before- brush eyebrow and cut long hairs if you need
2. Eyebrow pencil- make the shape of the eyebrow you want~ I used Softouch pencil here but I actually recommend on Essence eyebrow pencil!
3. Mayumascara- Eyebrow mascara^^ First use against the hair growth and then use to shape the hairs. I'm using Dolly Wink mayu mascara^^
4. Use anything comfortable to you for "blending"~ I'm using the brush that comes on the eyebrow pencil.. But you have to be gentle so you won't take off the mascara
And that's itXD
I hope you understood what I was trying to explain I'm really sorry for my lame EnglishT_T

Well so back to PassoverXDD
Couple photo with Hatuli
Then the day after we went to my grandparents house for another passover meal lol
Was kinda noisy but fun~
My outfit~ With the same shirt lol
Bag...from Vienna
And a little bit of gets~
Finally got white heels~ Goes with every fancy outfit ever lol
I got them from a random shop on Jaffa st. in Jerusalem for 150 NIS~ Not so bad...
Cute patches<3 from a store called 'Traffic' on King George st in Tel Aviv~ 2 for 10 NIS I think..
I have more but I;ll post them next time cause I don't have the pics yet^^"
So what else do I have to do today?
I woke up, Went to fix a nail I broke at work yesterday [><], And now I think I gonna go and fold some laundry before I finish packing..
It's so difficult to lack! I don;t leave till Wednesday but today I'm going to my parents house again so I have to take everything I need from the apartment!!!T_T
I looked at the weather online and it seems like it's gonna be cold and rainy in Paris:<< Well I hope it won't matter too much.
So have a nice day everyone! And a great week<3
Have fun in Paris! Your outfits are so cute omg and the patches are adorable!