
New phone!☆ Nokia slide phone~

 I promised I'd show you my new phone!(゚ω゚)

It's Nokia 7230★

I can't say if it's better them my old Samsung yet
the photos turn out cute but I'm so used to my Samsung that idk
I guess we'll see~

some photos for example from this morning↓

ofc I still haven't had the time to Decora it
but also
I don't even know what I want it to look like!
miss my men's egg flip(*T^T)

Today I was working at a different branch as we had a pilot for Jewish new year's 

boring outfit for work

I didn't wanna wear something else and change in a place I don't know w


since in Jewish new year's traditionly you eat apples in honey and honey in general (to have a sweet new year) we got honey cakes by the end of the pilot today

and also a small jar of honey 🍯 
it's  really cute!

lately my face seems to go through something w
my skin is breaking and I feel that it's more dry then usual
so I try to give it more attention every day (and night)

at night I add this Lancome jelly mask to my usual skincare

I love this mask
it smells like roses and it feels super nice on my skin
when I woke up my skin felt better then the day before

then today after work when I took off my makeup I used a Nivea cream mask
it's pretty heavy
that's why I chose it rather then use a sheet mask

I feel like it helped a lot
I'll use it again tomorrow 

I washed my hair and used a different pink mask
I wonder how it goes w

gotta go dry my hair now so I'll talk to u tomorrow 

good night☆



Going to sleep

photo taken with my new phone that I'll tell u about tomorrow w



Yesterday I met Innu for a walk and a snack

now that we're neighbors it's so easy to meet spontaneously 
we live 5 minutes from each other

we went to the park and watched the sunset again

pretty night view🌃


then we went to find something to eat

we shared salad and cheese cake(^q^)

then I came home and from that point I have exciting news but I'm not ready to share yet

today I start a new week but I have something to keep me going

even though I'm very confused this morning cause I couldn't tell if it was raining 
and even worse- if there's a rocket attack on my city?
it's complicated to explain 
but the good news are- I'm still alive

that's life for you~

I'm getting of the bus soon so I'll talk to u later
hope you have a great week♡



just chilling at home today

might do something later but for now I just wanna get some rest from the past week




Today's co*de is nice and comfy


I got a new phone case yesterday!

Kitty chan♡♡

I didn't have a hot pink Phone case in years w

for today's makeup, I went for Bordeaux🍷

I did go lightly cause as I said
I don't want to have a too bold eyemake for work

lip combo is more nude today

Ysl × Dior

well today I'm in a better mood then last night
I don't know why I was a little down
bot the weekend is ahead and I'm gonna keep the high spirits♡

that's it for now
I'll talk to u later(゚ω゚)


Yesterday's cO*De


it's so cute
the fit, the fabric, the color combo

today was ok
but I'm not in the best mood rn
I think I'm gonna go to sleep early today~

see u tomorrow


Today's Kve

felt like doing more pinkish makeup today


it's more glittery pinkish then bold pink
I feel like bold pink to work is a bit much for me w

used bottom 2 on top of the DiamondBeauty cream shadow

I don't have outfit pic from today(´;ω;`)

anyway gotta go!
see u later♡




Just got home from dinner with Noichi & Innu

I had spicy pasta with olive oil and veggies

never enough Parmigiano w

it was really good👍🏼

also we went to some shops and I bought a curly hair no washing cream to try

since I now try to wear my hair more natural I need something for curls
even though I never used a curly hair cream
i wanna try at least,
and see maybe I like it more

cause for now my hair feels very frizzy and dry and I can't seem to find a way to make the styling stay, it gets puffy and dry in a second 
I'll let u know how it goes

going to take a shower and go to sleep now
I'm so tired..



Today's simple look☆

Shoes...Local shop
Sunglasses...Lip Service

and a Tsu Chan collabo necklace⚡️

Hair and make of the day(´ω`)↓

Yet another wash without blow drying my hair(((^^;)
I really try my hardest to not touch it with heat as much as I can!
I want to grow it longer so it will have to take some patience (´つω・。)

also I didn't use pink mask this time cause I thought I had some left and I didn't, but I think it still has a pinkish tint so I'll just make sure to make some more before my next wash

and for makeup I used the same Majolica Majorca pallette I used yesterday 
so basically nothing much w

I'll talk to u later!