
Baking time🫓

yesterday on my day off we made cheese filled flatbread(゚ω゚)

it's filled with mozzarella & feta cheese, and the best ingredient- lemon zest😍

it came out really good I'm so happy♡

also last night was my cousin's wedding 
it was a religious wedding so had to dress modest-

Dress...Liz Lisa
Sandals...local shop

not much but I left in a rush w

Today's make↓

I used Majolica Majorca golden brown palette today


before I even started doing my make my eye started watering 

this is so annoying 
Σ( ̄皿 ̄;;

today I didn't take a co*de pic cause I had too many things in the morning
trying not to get annoyed by little thibgs even though public transportation is the worst and I just wish I didn't have to use it

I don't things I'll make I on time to buy coffee(~_~;)


update: I did buy coffee w

2 件のコメント:

  1. Love how cute your wedding guest outfit was!! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

    1. really?(●´∀`●) I'm so happy!!
      I felt like it was kinda lame;;
