
Ice Cream Date^^

Recently Hatuli & I went to check out an ice cream place called Mousseline~
It's in Jerusalem really close to our house and we heard they have really cool flavors so we wanted to try:D
I was so happy to see they have matcha too!

Tshirt...off brand
Shoes...Liz Lisa

At Mousseline there are so many unique flavors! I really loved the Matcha flavor and I also took coffee ice cream which is a little stronger then a regular coffee flavored ice cream, That was so good:D I also tries Wasabi ice cream and I decided that I'll take it next time we go there:D


It a very small place so it got a little crowded after a while. So Hatuli and I went to the city for some random errands.

And I bought Hatuli Arizona tea:D

At the city there were Chinese decorations, I don't know why but I really liked themXD they change them once in a while. I've already seen umbrellas, Sombreros and now thisXD

Now I'm gonna go and get dressed cause I'm going to ran some errands and also I 'm going to see the graduate exhibition in Bezalel^^
I'm working only twice this week [starting next week I'll work a lot more cause 2 people are leaving] so I have lots of time:O I don't know what to do with itXDD
On Wednesday it's the Harajukufest!! Who's coming??

Have a lovely day!



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