Today I wanted to show you a few things I got lately Not much cause I really try not to spend too much while I'm not working:0
So many people are now selling their clothes second hand and I got super cute items for really good prices!
Cocolulu top from Inna and a pink leopard tank top from a cute girl that also bought something from me^^
Orange shorts and a midi skirt from Emi (I was with her when she bought the skirt and I wanted it from the first moment
XD) and also I got a cute little flower hair accessory from a $ store!

Now I thought I'd make the LAST part of the short hair inspo!At least I hope it's the last part I don't know how many more folders I'll find on my laptopXDD

First of all, Some Ikemegu inspo cause... always.
Not sure who this is next to Shizuka but I love her hair
Tsu chan
Yun chan
Another Yun chan (but this time YunkoroXD)
Suzuki Nana
Of courseeeee I have 34098303983 more inspo pics on my Pinterest but O'll end this series for now cause it's already too much and I only just startedXDD

I love that skirt! I used to have really short hair (from a pixie cut to shoulder-length) but now it's down to the middle of my back. From time to time, I still want short hair. But long in Winter is good! :P At least I have some cute inspo if I do go with shorter hair, again!
返信削除I kinda want long hair now too! I do, but I also don't, I bet you know the feelingXD
削除That's why I bought some hair extensions so I can do both!:D
Ahhh I love Ikemegu! Thank you for sharing this inspo <3 my hair is around that length at the moment and I def needed this!
返信削除She's such a fave of mine uuuuuuuugh I love herT_T
削除I really want to try all those curling technics but I SUCK at hair styling welp
Cute items!!! I can't wait to see what you put together <3
返信削除And ommgggggg all of this inspo!!!! <3 <3 <3 It's really making me want to set my hair and keep it short XD
I told u that so many times so sorry in advance but I LOVE YOUR SHORT HAIR SM
削除It's so voluminous and pretty and looks PERFECT on u!!!