

I'm so late today🐌💨💨
( >д<)、;'.・

I hope my bus comes soon cause I have to be at work at 7:00 and now it's 6:55(._.)

Anywayyyy yesterday after work I went with my friend from work to hang out~ we took a walk on Dizengoff st.  And the bought pizza & fruit shake a d sat at Dizi square
It was really fun! Without knowing time flew off and it was almost 21:00(((・・;)

While walking on Dizengoff st we went to the new YSL pop up! It's sooo cuteeeee

Really kakkoii and everything 
I should have taken pics inside but I was too busy buying......www
I got some stuff but I'll show u next time (^_-)

I wanted to take pics yesterday but I really didn't like my co*de(´;ω;`) my dress got a hole in the bottom and I felt really shitty and my hair was (|||´Д`)キモい

I do like today's co*de though! It's kinda inspired by Romihi, I wish I had exte & straight hair today tho but no time 
Dress...off brand
Bag...A present from Piku♡♡♡
Accessories...Bless, Tsuchan×excellence 
Shoes...ACDC Rag


And the point that inspired the whole outfit!

Thank u sm for this PERFECT present Piku chan I love it sm♡♡m(_ _)m

This was yesterday's co*de tho
This dress was rip curl which is literally RIP cause I threw it away this morning (´;ω;`) too bad I actually really liked it..

Gotta go now!! I got to work


1 件のコメント:

  1. Why you threw it away 😭 so sad, but if you want I saw it on sale on Vinted, let me know if you want the link!
    Anyway your coords are awesome as always 💕😍 you're such a big inspiration! I want more maxi dresses because of u www 😂
