How are you today?
I actually had a good day today, finally~^^
My lesson was in the city center and we were supposed to go in pairs and stalk interesting people for character animation lol and we had to film itXD
So the class ended super early [like 11:45] and I went home and had a good napXD
This as today's outfit with my new Barbie sweatshirt from FOREVER21
Tights...off brand [מדרחוב בן יהודה]
Hat...off brand
My beloved necklace from DIVA [That don't exists anymore:(]
In yesterday's post I mentioned I went on a winter accessories shopping in Jerusalem and this is what I got:

This is the first hat I have in this shape~ I thought I'd give it a try since I've seen many of those at Rady\MichellMacaron\Emiriz Wiz
I don't know if you can really see but it's actually navy blue~
The softest socks ever!
The had them in many pastel colors and I thought after I'll try them maybe I'll but more:D
Warm tights~ The one on the middle is kirakira:D
Skeleton half gloves for Rokku coords
Remember that I found Liz Lisa replica and hiromichi nakano coat in local stores in Jerusalem?
Well this is my latest finding:
The don't have a lot but the have really cute ones and it's only 12 NIS which is actually like 3 for 1000 yenXDD

I bought 3 pairs and I'll take pics of them tomorrow^^
So now I don't know if I should go and buy milk for coffee or just wait an hour until I'm at work and drink coffee there lol
Anyway! That's it for today's post^^
Tomorrow I have noon class and then I'm going to my parents house yay!:D
And next week I'm going again and this time with Hatuli cause it's my mom's birthday and we're going to a restaurant^^ I bought her the best present EVER I can't wait for it to arrive, And it's a secret until then:DDD
So have a great day everyone!
יפיוף קטנ!עם שמצאת גרביים של טוטו אנה!!!הכי עם בעולםםם
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אני כמעט בטוחה שיש לי גרביים כאלה בסגול )כמו התכלת)ואם זה כמו שלי אז כן זה הכי מדהים בעולם לחורף
תתחדש על הכל!♡♡♡אוהב מלא ומתגעגע
באמת עםםםםםםםםם
削除ותודה ילדון^^ אני ממש רוצה לקנות עוד כאלה גרביים ובא לי בכל הצבעים! ובאמת היה שם סגול:DD
You coffee-holicXD hahaha
返信削除You're making me curious about what your mom is gettingXD
Our moms birthday was this month and since she fell in love with Rady's duvet cover, we got her that! <3
Really cute outfit and gets <3
削除And I can't write here cause she's sometimes reading my blog lol actually I found out she read that post and It was like
me: "So you've probably seen..."
mom: "yep."
XDDDD But she doesn't know what it it:DD
And it's so cool that your mom likde Rady stuff!:DD
איזה יופי של מראה חורפי. עושה כיף בלב.
返信削除תודה רבה רבה!^^