Hi there <3
I'm at home before work and I have a headache cause yesterday I was dehydrated:(
Starting the week in pain but I'm doing well after a couple of rouge weeks.
This week I'm working evening shifts all week which is good and bad; good cause I have more time to sleep and bad because it burns the whole day cause I start at 4 pm and finish at 23:00 and that's kinda sucks but well... At least I had a long weekend, Yesterday I had a day off and I went to deliver a PiyoKoPiyoKo hat to a cute girl name Luna and then met Noy and went tanning (Then I was dehydratedT_T) and then we went to my place and got ready to go out to the Rolling Stones night at the Pasaz.
Yesterday's lazy outfit
And another outfit that I wore, I never post outfits anymore:(
Another thing I wanted to show you guys is those CUTE!!!!!! items that arrived to Zara (where I work ugh) that looks so Super Gals I wanna cry
The colors! The PRINTS
The ugly oldschool fabric~~~~~~~
Those really looks like an oldschool brand like LOVE BOAT or something...<3
Jumping from one thing to another-
This weekend my dream came true and Daniel made Anman!:D
One of my all ties favorite foods is Anman and ever since I went to Japan the first time and tried it I was dreaming about having it in Israel too and I never knew how to do it BUT now I finally got my home made AnmansT_T And now we are left with tons of Anko and I eat it all the time
lolol Anko life<3

I'm working for days now on a post I wanna make that has like 3 parts~~ It's a spring coordinating tips post and I had so many pics and I had to choose and it was so hard ahhhhT_T

Now I almost finish and I believe I'm gonna post the first part this week~ So stay tuned^^
Now I'll go to get dressed and go to workT_T The weather is so shitty I don't understand where are the sunny days that we had when I felt like shit?

Oh well lol
Have a great day everyone hopefully your weather is sunnier!
I miss your outfit posts too! It was always like looking at a Gal magazine xD