It took so LONGGGGGGG but there it is!
Thanks everyone who sent me questions
and I'm so sorry it took me so long to do this post, It literally sat ready in my drafts but I didn't post it I can't explain this I really can't
Does it happen to you sometimes?P
Anyway, Here we go!

What do you use for as white face paint for manba?

Thanks everyone who sent me questions

Does it happen to you sometimes?P
Anyway, Here we go!

What do you use for as white face paint for manba?

My trick is to layer it with a few productsXD I really like when it looks sticky and messy cause I really feel that manba makeup looks more fun that way~
I use white lipstick (Random one) and then on top I put white eyeshadow to set it and then finally some glitters or shimmery white cream eyeshadow!
What Japanese food you miss most?

That would have to be koshian man T_T The kind you buy at the conbini~ My favorite one is sold at Famima so I always went there first and if they didn't have if I would go to other conbiniXD
I could eat them all day!
Where do you normally look for outfit inspiration?

The first place I go for outfit inspo is magazines~ It's the easiest way to find full outfit pics. I love looking at ShibuyaGals page on fb cause there are so many great magazine scans from the eras that inspire me the most.
Then also I like looking at old blogs but those are harder to find, And also they are only good for like.. 2008 and after. If I want some 90s~early 2000s inspo it has to be in magazines and also random keyword search on Google that sometimes helps you find rare pics.
What's your favorite hairstyle?

Right now with the short hair I feel like I don't have a favorite hairstyle I just like to put one side behind my ear~ And use lots of hairpins :D
With my long hair I really liked half up!
Any tips for researching styles?

Every style has it's own "better sources"; Like I mentioned above, Ex-models blogs are only good if you are looking for a style that started in 2008 or after, Other then that you have to count on magazines and snaps,
Now the best way to find inspiration is to know as much as you can about it, That knowledge will give you the keyword you need to search for more inspo. For example, When I started looking for oldschool inspiration no one used the word Atsuzoko (platforms) and I did so much reading that I finally stumbled upon this word, Which is just a Japanese word for platforms but it is the right term for old school type of platforms. It is a "keyword" for this style. Then when I was looking the word on google with the word 'gyaru' I found so many great inspo pics and videos!

When did you start wearing gyaru?

I only started wearing gyaru in 2010~2011. Even though I loved gyaru and was inspired by it since 2007~2008, I only became very omitted to it in 2010 cause before that I didn't really use any makeup so I feel like even though I had some gal clothes I couldn't really call it gyaru yet. It was only after I met Mayu and we ordered our first circle lenses that I felt I could actually call my attempts gyaru.
Will you make more makeup tutorials?

For sure! I want to make a tutorial for manba makeup soon! Thank you so much for trying my first tutorial<333
Fave color to use when accessorizing? (ie. the color you subconsciously grab for)

100% silver.
I love colorful accessories and I use them a lot with different styles but I feel like silver accessories (Even like in hair accessories and belts) are the ones that I will never take off and fit every style and
look I want to do.

Top nail polish colors?

1. Any shade of blue
2. Orchid purple
3. Glittery silver
Where will you go next trip to Japan?

I'm really really hoping I could visit Okinawa!
What do you think about Gals by Mihona Fuji?

Funny question- It a well known fact I'm absolutly obssesed with it!XDD
Ran chan!!!!!!!!!
Current boom?

My current boom is water patterns
(Like the bakgroud of my blog). I reallllllllllly want a wallpaper of this pattern and also dELiAs has that PERFET new collection with all the watter pattern items I'm so sad I don't have money right now cause I really wish to get something from itT___T

Fave lashes right now?

I really liked Eyemazing no.002 and used them a lot lately^^
Fave Japanese singers\bands?

Tbh, I don't think I have a favorite one^^"
I have many songs I like, And I like Namie Amuro very muh, And also Juliet (the band), But I don't have like a favorite one cause this is a music I listen to in a very specific mood and my music type is a whole different one, If it makes any sense XD
I have many songs I like, And I like Namie Amuro very muh, And also Juliet (the band), But I don't have like a favorite one cause this is a music I listen to in a very specific mood and my music type is a whole different one, If it makes any sense XD
Gal icons?

Ok so this one is very hard cause I have too many and the change from time to timeXD
My all time inspiration must be Tsubasa Masuwaka and also Ikemegu, But that's like a general inspiration~ I have a main gal icon I like to take inspo from every time I have a new boom I guessXD For example my favorite old school gal icon has to be Hiromi Endo
But there is one gal icon that I must give the biggest credit for my current style and that is Kotobuki Ran from Gals!
I love Ran's style and personality and I take so much inspiration from her and I think you can tellXD Actually I'm sureXDD

My all time inspiration must be Tsubasa Masuwaka and also Ikemegu, But that's like a general inspiration~ I have a main gal icon I like to take inspo from every time I have a new boom I guessXD For example my favorite old school gal icon has to be Hiromi Endo

But there is one gal icon that I must give the biggest credit for my current style and that is Kotobuki Ran from Gals!

What's your must have item?

Black atsuzoko boots!!!! Definitely must have- they look good with everything, They're comfy and you gotta have them if you live in 1999 like me

That's it for this Q&A! If there is anything else you'd like me to answer, You an ask me here or my other SNS^^
Now I'm going to dry my hair as go to sleep, cause tomorrow I have so much work, I start early and also I wanna go to the hisalo after work~
Good night!<3


That's it for this Q&A! If there is anything else you'd like me to answer, You an ask me here or my other SNS^^
Now I'm going to dry my hair as go to sleep, cause tomorrow I have so much work, I start early and also I wanna go to the hisalo after work~
Good night!<3

Wahhhh thank you for this! So much helpful info! And I can't wait for the Manba tutorial!!!! <3