Finally postinggggggg
and I have a lot to post about alreadyXD It's always when I have so many posts planned that I don't post at all lol the stressXDD jk jk

Last weekend was a holiday in Israel and I didn't work on Friday, So Emi and I went to the beach 2 days in a raw ^^
On Friday we actually thought we're not gonna make it cause it took me a while to come back home from my parents and get ready and then I missed our bus but in the end.. We DID IT
We knew it's gonna be chilly in the evening so we didn't really wear bikinis just hand at the beach^^
Accessories...Love Boat, off brand, hand made
Phone strap...Disneyland

Summer of 1999<3
We did a simple ganguro makeup which is our favorite makeup lately
Mr. square
We sat on the beach and looked through the bible (Shibuya 1999
) and again realized we will never be charisma gals in 1999 without a LV bag.............

Goofing around
Give me
Then the sun was going down and it was chilly like we thought so we went to take some pics on the bridge and thought we'll then go eat but we got stuck there for so long cause it's usXD
Begging the sea not to wash me over
Mr sea pls

How did we get to the floor idk
Watching the sunset
We also tried to do a tiktok of Fly Me So high parapara and failed cause we were too derpy so we ended up doing a stupid tiktok with the sond
XD In the beginning Emi is crying cause she fell from her atsu

Then we finally went to get some food! Stopping every 2 seconds to take a photo with something
Look it's my blog!
sinking like a stone
We went to mcdo and I ae some onion rings and drank milkshake XD
Then we went to take the bus home not before we took pics with the pretty red lights

When I got home I fell asleep like the second I got out of the showerXDDD The day started really stressful but ended up being

I'll blog about the second day at the beach next time!
Now I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep, I hope tomorrow I won;t be too tired after work and I'll make another posts^^ I also really need to dye my hair:O oh, and did you notice I got a haircut?:D

Good night and see u next time,
You cuties always look like you are having so much fun!
返信削除I wish I lived near a beach! <3
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