Hi Hi~
Today I had to go to the hospitalT_T Apparently while we were at the summer picnic I got something stuck in my foot, And as I saw it won't come out I went to my doctor and I thought he could take it out but he sent me to the hospitalT_T I had so go through it twice cause it didn';t come out the first time~ It was stuck 1 cm deep in my heel;O
So then finally they took it out and I didn't go to work, Instead I went home and got some rest cause I literally can't step on this leg:(
Btw I wanted to go to work today cause I wanted to find out who took my Kiiroitori cup from the kitchen...

Soon I need to change my own bandages and I'm afraid to see what's under them:<
Also I really need to finish packing already. The last week I run around looking for stuff that I can make outfits for at the Jubilee~ I still don;t have enoughT_T I think I need to have like 5 outfit choices cause I'm very moody with outfits I might wake up and think I wanna be pink or I wanna be blue or I wanna be a boy (most likely). The only thing I know is I wanna be Charai at the party itself lolol
So because I have many outfits I haven't posted (like daily ones) I'm gonna make a post bout that and then maybe I'll go making outfits again~
So let's start!
Top...central station TLV
Sweat pants...Cocolulu
Sun visor...TOPTEN
Tshirt...Baby Shoop
Pants...Pull & Bear
Belt...off brand
Tshirt...Pull & Bear
Belt...central station Jerusalem
Top...Baby Shoop
Pants...Big Tom
Skirt...Bezalel market
Pants...Bialik st.
Belt...Pink Latte
I know I use a lot the same shoes and bag but that's cause I just go to work everydayXD And those are the outfits I wear~
Next post I think I'll do abut the July 2001 egg Issue~ What do you think?
Bye Bye for now!
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