Good Morning!
Yesterday I went shopping with Noy before work!
We went to all the cheap local stores and markets we know in Tel Aviv XD I really wanted to find some stuff for my Jubilee outfits since some of the stuff I ordered won't be here on timeT_T Well I literally found nothing from my shopping list BUT I had some really nice finds in super good prices!
So this was my super simple outfit, Inspired by Kapalua without wearing any Kapalua items lol
Tshirt...Central station TLV
Skirt...FOX (second hand)
Bad...Disney (my mom's)
Watch...Thankyou Mart
Other brand
So here are the items I got! The key words are:
Two super cute tops from Bezalel market, Noy got one in orange so we got a good price of 20 nis for all 3 XD I really likes both colors
FOX sweatpants that has built up panties showing lolol I wanted pants like these forever
I have my Cocolulu sweat pants but I really wanted green ones as well so I was very lucky to found those
(from a second hand shop in Allenby street, They cost 15 nis and they're in really good condition luckily lol)
Hippie George Harrison inspired blouses
The pattern on this ones says 'Om Namah Shivaya" which is a Hindu mantra for Shiva, Which makes me wonder cause the little figures looks more like Ganesha but ok lolol I had to get it
Also the color of this one are so cute! They are a mess and I love it XD
There was a 70% off in FOX so I got those tops and each one was 20 nis~ Lately I loveloveloveee this color combo so I was very happy to find them! Also I really wanted those kind of tops^^
And other stuff:
Blue sun visor-30 nis
Belt-20 nis
Nivea day cream-20 nis
and also I added this cute essence body cream with glitters my mom got me a while ago!
Alsooooo my first time getting a belly button pierce! I'm gonna be able to change mine soon so I wanted something ugly and dangling and what says more 2001 then dolphins?

Maya couldn't believe when she saw it cause it's so ugly lol I love it XD
I love going shopping in 2001 XD

Soooo now I'm going to the supermarket to get some things cause today is our gyaru summer picnic at the beach!

I'm gonna go tanning and doing my makeup with Noy & Emichu and then Innu & Mayu will join us at the beach! I'm so excited!!
Have a lovely day everyone!
see you in my next post^^

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