Well, That's itXD Starting tomorrow I go back to work.
I'm not too sure how I feel about it; On the one hand I'm happy to have a job and an income again, I was really worries all this time about money~ On the other hand I'm a little terrifying go back to normal cause first of all, I enjoyed having some free time for my personal life and passions, And also I'm a little scared to go to work when I don't know who's gonna come there and if they have IT
I just hope it will be ok
For now it's gonna be only 8 workers and we're gonna work from 10:00~18:00 everyday 6 times a week, Which is... well.... At least I have Saturday><
I feel that this time off was good and bad for me. It was hard cause there was nothing to keep me from over-feeling and over-thinking and it caused some troubles, But it was also good cause I did a lot of things that I wanted to do and didn't have time for, And I spent a lot of time with my Hatuli, And over all I just feel like this made me want to change my life a little, To give more time to things I thought I didn't have time for, If it makes any sense.

Anyway! Enough about that, I do need to go to sleep cause tomorrow I actually start at 7:00 am for all the preparations we have to do:X I have to wake up at 5:00 like I used to before quarantine, How he hell am I supposed to do that??XD
So before I go to sleep, I wanted to share my recent room decorations~

I bought those glow in the dark stickers
I have those really high ceiling in my apartment and in my bedroom the wall closets are up to the ceiling and it makes me feel like only the bottom half of my room is cozy and decorated XD So I started working on the higher levels tooXD
I need to buy more of them but I hope to find bigger packages somewhere~
They look so cute in the dark

Also I FINALLY put all my disposable camera pics together and used them to decorate the top closets too
I really like how it came out~ I still have room left for new photos^^
Also I decorated this storage pocket for my phones
I bought all the stuff in Daiso when I was in Japan~ I feel like I wanna decorate the pockets but still don't know how so I leave it like this for nowXD
Last thing- I hang my Minnie ears
It's not perfect but wellXD

That's it! Gonna keep decorating and updating about the progress<3
It's raining nowT_T It was raining all day actually

I really hope the weather will get a little better tomorrow I hate rainT_T
But also I'm a little pleased that summer hasn't started yet since I can't go to the beach anyway and I hate to see a wasted beach day:P

Well, I wanted to go to sleep so much earlier but Hatuli called me in the middle of the post and I had a 30 minutes rant lol

The location on my laptop suddenly popped up and said "Your location in now active" and then disappeared~ The government is watching me:)
sweet dreams.........................................
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