First day at work ended and I'm exhausted.
I mean this was INTENSE
I worked from 7:00 to 18:00 but I was there already at 6:15 cause Jun (the other coordinator) and I wanted to work on a commercial strategy but we ended up mostly catching up lol
Anyway. I had to re-coord all the walls of TRF and the furniture in between cause so many things are now on promotion price and we had to change everything and put new prices:X I hope I'll have photos tomorrow so I can show you what I've done~ I'm pretty happy with it. I feel like the break from work gave me some time to relax and come back with full energy and inspiration. I do feel DEAD right now. Tomorrow will probably be even harder cause tomorrow is the official reopen and I mean, CostumersT_T
Well, I don't wanna bore you too much so I'll start with what I actually wanted to blog aboutXD
Last week Mayu came to visit me<3 We just had some quality time together and ate and talked and
did some tiktoks, But also had a super deep conversation till sunrise

So! this was my
that day with my new brown lenses that I promise to review this weekXD

Mickey mask
Super casual outfits~ my favorite:D
On the way to the conbini (I really just don't have any other word for that shopXD) to get some snacks
Fruit salad!
Tank top...Bgood
Shoes...off brand

Hat...Dondon Down
Necklace...$ store
Plaid shirt...Shinjuku ALTA
We got some snacks and I got some groceries and we went home, Then while Hatuli made us dinner we took some pics and did some TikToks!
You can check them out on our account
We also did an InstaLive that day where Mayu did stupid hairstyles on meXD
Same energy
Can you believe this is half empty
I look like my purikura album
It was really fun to hang out casually at home
and have this long talk that I feel that did both of us really good
I love you my baby friend!

Well, I really need to go to the shower and to sleepT_T Tomorrow I start at 7:00 again and I really hope this won't be like this every day:X Basically I'm supposed to work from 10:00 to 18:00T_T
Good night cuties!<3
Hahhhh I remember that live on IG! I was funny 🤣
ילד אהוב היה לי כלכך כלכך כיף
בכלל בכיתי מהסיים אנרג'י ושבאמת שמ תמונה של החיה אין לי מילים כמה שדומהXD
והאוכל של חתול היה נפלא^^^^^
הלוואי שהימים יהיו קלים יותר בעבודה ותתחיל להרגיש שדברים מסתדרים קת יותר ופחות יטחנו אתכם זה מרגיז נורא
אם אתה רוצה לדבר ולהתרענן אני תמיד פה אתה יודע את זה,נה?
בכללללל אני מקווה שהעבודה תתאזן לך בקרוב ):
返信削除ואני כל פעם מחדש מתפלא איך זכיתי בחברים הכי יפים בעולם
ככ שמח לראות אתכם נהנים♡
Ahhhh you're so lucky to be going back to work though! NY is still on pause till June! T_T Hopefully work will be okay for you when you have customers! Remember to still keep safe! <3