Just a quick update before I go to work~

Today I'm starting late, at 11:00, And I'm so happy I had a chance to sleep a little. Yesterday I was working for 11 hours again and also I went to the hisalo after work so I came home, Ate and read a little and fell asleep unintentionally right after I took a shower lol
. But at least I've finally been to the hisalo
, I can't wait for life to go back to normal T_T I wanna see my friends and I wanna work a reasonable amount of hours again:X

My boss said that from next week things will go back to normality and we, The coordinators, Will get our day off a week like we deserve on our contract~

Anyway, I haven't been active on SNS and also not really on any group hats or social thingies for a week now
, Cause it's now officially a week since I got back to work, And it's so weird cause it really feels like FOREVER!!! Life before that seems so far like those almost 2 months of sitting at home were years ago. It's so weird

Have a great day!
Hopefully things will calm down soon for you!!! Remember to rest when you need to!♥