
Date & Shopping★

two days ago I took Hatul to Rainbow, the vegan burger place Masha introduced me to last week🍔

Pull that in!😒💢💢

Then we took a walk to an icecream place and I ate matcha ice cream💚


This was yesterday's co*de 
Top...I forgot( TДT)

Still living the Kuma life

Oh! And I got some stuff I ordered from Aliexpress!
This belt is one of them~

It's really cute! A little short cause I think it's originally for children w
I also bought a bunch of Kuma socks(´(ェ)`)


Also I got some piercings ♡

The kitty one is a bit too big but the rest are cute(・∀・)

Stars - https://a.aliexpress.com/_mr8UiHC
Devil Kitty - https://a.aliexpress.com/_mMFUXCE
Devil heart - https://a.aliexpress.com/_mM0KxQe
Butterfly - https://a.aliexpress.com/_mqwwu2K
Ribbon one is unfortunately unavailable (´;ω;`) ごめんね~

Today after work I'm meeting the gals and we help with the decorations for our event at Dizisen♡
it's tomorrow Σ(゚ω゚)

well, wishing u a lovely day and going to work,
byeki( ・∋・)

1 件のコメント:

  1. Oooh those vegan burgers look delish! And I love that pink belt so much <333 Hope you have fun with your meet with the gals!!! <333
