
New phone!☆ Nokia slide phone~

 I promised I'd show you my new phone!(゚ω゚)

It's Nokia 7230★

I can't say if it's better them my old Samsung yet
the photos turn out cute but I'm so used to my Samsung that idk
I guess we'll see~

some photos for example from this morning↓

ofc I still haven't had the time to Decora it
but also
I don't even know what I want it to look like!
miss my men's egg flip(*T^T)

Today I was working at a different branch as we had a pilot for Jewish new year's 

boring outfit for work

I didn't wanna wear something else and change in a place I don't know w


since in Jewish new year's traditionly you eat apples in honey and honey in general (to have a sweet new year) we got honey cakes by the end of the pilot today

and also a small jar of honey 🍯 
it's  really cute!

lately my face seems to go through something w
my skin is breaking and I feel that it's more dry then usual
so I try to give it more attention every day (and night)

at night I add this Lancome jelly mask to my usual skincare

I love this mask
it smells like roses and it feels super nice on my skin
when I woke up my skin felt better then the day before

then today after work when I took off my makeup I used a Nivea cream mask
it's pretty heavy
that's why I chose it rather then use a sheet mask

I feel like it helped a lot
I'll use it again tomorrow 

I washed my hair and used a different pink mask
I wonder how it goes w

gotta go dry my hair now so I'll talk to u tomorrow 

good night☆

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