Hi Hi!
Two weeks ago Hatuli and me celebrated out 7th anniversary! ^^
I took a day off and we made pancakes for breakfast
Then we went to a fun day in Tel Aviv^^
My outfit
Hair Accessory...ParisKIDS
At SugarRush www
Went to visit Noy at work<3
Wow look at this gal

Then we went to a record store and spent like 2 hours there digging through second hand records and ended up buying 8 lol
This is what I chose:

Then we went to a restaurant called "HaDok" and it was so yummy! First of all it was mostly vegetarian so I had a lot to choose from, And also everything we took was so yummy! we shared like 349834943 dishes lolol
We're definitely gonna go there again
I wish I had pics of the things we ate, And now I remembered that Hatuli took pics I should have asked him to send it to me
oh wellXD

I'm so happy to start another year together, Hatuli really is my other half, I don't think anyone else would actually accept me 200% like that, And that goes both ways XD

I love being the two aliens we are <3

We had rouge time with losing our Geo, That was so important and we had him ever since we moved in together (6 years) and he really wasn't our cat but like another person living in the house, Which made it so weird and lonely to become 2 out of 3. But the thing is, What we felt after that happened, Is that as long as we have each other everything is ok, And that this is so important for us to be together cause if we are not written in the start I don't know what
I know it sounds dramatic lol and so cheesy but I really really mean it.
Hopefully this year we will finally make our dream to go to Japan together come true!

Sorry for the cheesy post again lol
And now I'm going to choose what to wear for tonight's Blues&Booze show XD And then going to work:<
I'm working evenings everyday this week accept Wednesday that I finally gonna meet up with ,my gals T0T <333
Wish you all a great week!


Awwww happy belated anniversary! I don't blame you. Everyone wants to feel loved by their #1. I'm glad I have mine too but we're long distance. Trying so hard to move out together. But I am very grateful for him. He is my love and bestest friend. I'm glad you have that as well!