How are you guys?
I'm stilllllllllll siiiick
and that's really annoying. I have to get well before Friday!
So I'm taking a rare sick day off work tomorrow cause I have to get some rest, As it seems like I'm not gonna be able to function if I don't~
Today I had to go to work cause I had a super important day; every once in a while we have coordination days with the head coordinators of Zara in Israel and today was just that. I actually really love the head coordinator for the shoe department she's really nice and I get well with her, We work very good together, But today was really hard even though I had fun coordinating with her cause I got new stocks in the morning and had to take care of that plus I was sick plus I arrived at 6 am and left at 6 pm
BUT tomorrow I will get some rest and I'll be good as new
I hope
This was today's Georgiekaji
Why is it 5 am
Plaid shirt...Shimamura
Pants...Pull & Bear
Accessories...Love Boat
Look what we got today!:O
Are those La Carte sneakers? XDD
Lol I really want them but I don't know.. I have too many white sneakers and I already have platform ones
But that was a nice surprise after we got the Espe boots lolol
I did get the boots though XD
More Georgiekaji's of this week
the weather was very weird
Bag...Roxy brand
Cardigan...Central station tlv

Also, Did you see that the manga GALS! is coming back??????????

Mihona Fuji twitted about it and I'm in tears every time I think about it
It's like my dream came true. You don't know what it means to me.

Like when I read GALS it gives me so much inspiration I love Ran so muchT_______T

This really makes me wanna cut my hair again (among other stuff as well) so I really don't know what to do lolol it's a daily struggle for months now and it got worst
What do you think? :O

Well I'm gonna take a shower and maybe go to bad early and I hope that helps~

I'll blog again tomorrow cause I'll have free time^^
Good night<3
Ouch! That sucks that you're still sick! Never any fun especially when you have to work ToT
返信削除Omg those sneakers!!!! Does your store have a site? I tried looking for it before but I don't know if it's the same place >_<
I'm super excited about GALs! It was such a big inspo for me as well! I would say get the Ran style but it's really up to you. If I could I would get Miyu style xD
I work at Zara now!^^ So that's where u can find all the unexpectedly amazing shoes!!:0 who would have thought!
削除And about the hair- I would get a Miyu hairstyle toooo but I know it would be too much of a bother since my hair is naturally wavy+ lol