Well it's not morning anymore but I woke up late:X I didn't sleep well last night cause I had a really bad stomach ache T_T But Hatuli went to buy me some pain killers and that really helped so I could sleep a little and I woke up a while ago.

I still haven't blogged about it, But one of the biggest news lately is that we took a new cat~~<3

We called him Kve XD Cause that's the sound Hatuli says he makes~ And he is so cute and loving!
he has some annoying things he does too lol since we are used to a cat that's going outside and playing all day and coming home at night to sleep, Kve isn't like that, And he is mostly awake at nights and making noise lol but it will be ok we will get used to each other soon I believe~

So that's about that and now for other new things XD
I rarely even make get posts anymore cause I'm tto lazy to take pics of my gets ww
BUT I finally did it and took pics of (some of) the gets of the recent weeks.
So first of all, My accessories boom made me do it:
It's all from a shekel store so it's okXD
I really needed big hoops! Also I love the bottom right ones, So 2000s~
Also I went to my fave shopping place, Shuk Bezalel, And got me some stuff~
It's so close to the hisalo that it's very tempting to check what's new every time I go thereXD
Vitamin colored knit
Low waist bell bottoms
L.A Idol XDD
White tight skirt
I can't wait to wear it this summer
Also lolol the brand name
Some stuff I got a while ago but never posted:
Two turtleneck knits from FOX
I really love them!
Got those from the Zara sale
Very Paris Hilton
And also Oren gave those AMAZING sneakers to me and I'm so thankful!!! That's the sweetest thing!!!T_________T Thank yoooooooou

Another lovely thing I got is those Hibi accessories hand made by Emi!!! aren't they amazing?? Thank you so much Miyu RinT_T

She also got me cute hair accessories<3
And some hats I got but still didn't have the chance to wear! I have too many things I wanna wear and I'm usually just at workT___T
I have a few more gets since I went to Shuk Bezalel again and also I got my mercari order
so I'll take pics of it today and I'll blog about it soon^^
Well now I'm gonna go and wake Hatuli upXD cause it's already noon lol
Have a lovely day cuties!
How cute!! I want a cat so bad! Hopefully he will quiet down at night so he doesn't keep you awake!
返信削除The last few nights he actually acted really good and didn't make any noise at all! I home it will keep that way lolol
削除What a cute kitty! I love black and white cats! We have an all black one though xD
返信削除Love all the gets! I haven't been shopping in forever ToT