

Animatsuri post!

For the summer festival ofc I had to wear a yukata♡
It's actually my 2007年  yukata けど I wanted to wear it cause I was wearing my #jinbei I got this year to the centercon(´- `*)


Hair accessory🌸

Big thanks to Yukari that kindly helped me dress up! I couldn't have done this without u w

Mirror selfie!

Animatsuri Noy🍓

Animatsuri Mayu🎀


Met so many people I love! I was so happy and my energy was soooooo high cause it felt very nostalgic and fun♡

Primov my sun brother☀️


It was very easy to get there too! I took the train to Jerusalem for the first time (it's a new line, when I lived there it was only by a nightmare bus)
and it was super fast and easy!

took a bento with me and I'm glad cause I was very hungry and con food is not for me w


Ciggy break

it was too windy

We also went to the central station to get icedcoffe and we ended up I the $ store w
as always 
but that specific store is one of my favorites! I'll sho u my gets tomorrow (´- `*


it was so fun I swear
I needed that!
I'm definitely looking forward to the next con!♡♡♡

And now I gotta go to sleep already
after I also finished answering all my Instagram Q&A(^ω^)

See u tomorrow ♡

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