So FINALLY I sat myself and finished the last things for the second post in my Spring Coordinating Tips series!
In the first part I was talking about Maxi skirts and buttoned shirts^^ In this post, I have 2 more coordinating ideas for you gals to do in the tricky season we all love:D
3. Overall

Another one of my favorite things in my wardrobe! A few years ago when I got into Amekaji I didn't have even 1 overall and I was like omg what do I do I have to get oneXD Where do I find an overall?? And then suddenly all the fast fashion stores started selling them and I got like 3~4 XD And since then I got some more and now I have a lot but still it's never enough lol

Cause the great thing about an overalls is that they're comfortable, And they fit all seasons, So you can make endless outfits using them which is a bless to my wardrobe:D
So of course there is the long denim overall which is like the basic one, But it can come wider or even skinny (I don't like the skinny ones on me:<) and since it's spring and you don't wanna get too warm, You can wear it with a tshirt or a plaid shirt or just something light.
See how again Tsu chan is making a very simple outfit gal with the right accessories

I really like to wear overall half open so you can see the shirt I'm wearing underneath

(Kanako Kawabata)
Just add a hat and it's already balances the whole look and make it cuter

Or even just a cute hairstyle can do the trick

(Suzuki Nana)
We also have the medium length overall, Which I feel it's harder to find but you can also adjust length by folding (Another tip we'll talk about later)

( Aritan for Cocolulu)
I really love the combo of pants and pumps!

And of course overall doesn't men it has to be Amekaji, Look how onee and feminine this outfit is

And of course the short length overall that I do suggest to coord with long sleeves in spring and wait for summer to wear it with no sleeves.

(Kumicky to Valentine's High)

(I never write the name cause I never know if it's guri or guraXD)
Also don't be afraid of patterns, It doesn't mean it's harder to coordinate

(Kumicky to Valentine's High)

(I never write the name cause I never know if it's guri or guraXD)
Also don't be afraid of patterns, It doesn't mean it's harder to coordinate
(Okarie to Ank Rouge)

(Kumicky to Valentine's High)
Or all kinds of fabrics

(Wakatsuki Chinatsu)
Or, of course, COLORS

(Guri & Gura)
I still dream about a yellow overall btwT_T

This look with the folded pants and pumps that I was talking about before, Well this is the next thing we're gonna talk about!


(Kumicky to Valentine's High)
Or all kinds of fabrics

(Wakatsuki Chinatsu)
Or, of course, COLORS

(Guri & Gura)
I still dream about a yellow overall btwT_T

This look with the folded pants and pumps that I was talking about before, Well this is the next thing we're gonna talk about!


Fold Fold Fold! .4

Some days are just to hot and heavy for long pants, But you're not mentally ready for shorts XD Your quick solution: give the bottom of your pants 2-3 folds and you're set!
I love that look with colorful pumps but it works with sneakers too!

Some days are just to hot and heavy for long pants, But you're not mentally ready for shorts XD Your quick solution: give the bottom of your pants 2-3 folds and you're set!
I love that look with colorful pumps but it works with sneakers too!
I would say wear it with long\medium length sleeves but it works with short at well for spring!
I would say wear it with long\medium length sleeves but it works with short at well for spring!

Already used this pic but it's relevant lol

(Suzu for CO&LU)
Another cute point is when you wear amekaji coord, Fold just one leg to give it cute a-symmetric fun look! (I think that works better with sneakers tho)

That's it for this part!
In the next part I''ll be talking about season mix&match~ Stay tuned!
And of course, I'll be happy to know if those tips were helpful\inspirational for our coords, Id love to see them!<3

See u in my next post~~
It's cause of Amekaji I want overalls so badly xD I always try to look for some but most stores only carry for guys or if it is for girls, they're the skirt version. My fave are definitely the shorts version!!!! Looking forward to the next part! These are amazing for inspo!