
Today I wanted to tell you about my birthday
, That was last Thursday!

Hatul and I planned to go to the beach, But then our plans were ruined cause I got my period lolol
So we decided we'll go to buy me a new phone (present from my parents) and eat at a cool Thai place near by~
My simple
of the day

New lenses from Klenspop! No lashes~

Before going outXD
First thing we did was going to someplace that Hatul needed to collect something from, And his friend gave us yummy pineapple juice which was really nice in that heatXD
Accessories...LoveBo, et
Then we went to this place called Ramat HaHayal where the shop I wanted to get the phone from was and also the restaurant
I got a new Samsung A71!
I'm so happy I had my LG G5 for like.. 5~6 years lolol Big thanks for my parents for this important bday present!!!XD

Then we went to the restaurant called Tiger Lily
My dish<3 It was so yummy!!!!!

Then we went to Karaoke that is also in Ramat HaHayal~ I'm really happy that we went there cause even though we didn't go to the beach we did something else that was super fun! We did 2 hours of

Hatul singing all the ugly songs he could find
As always I sang mostly 60s and 70s stuff lol the gap between the songs we chose............

Then we went home and got ready to go to my parents and we had a package in the mail and guess what it was??? My bday present that Hatul ordered for me!! I can't believe it came exactly on my bday!
Ok so it's the most perfect present ever......................
It's an analogue camera with a fish eye lens !!! And it's Hello Kitty and the colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!

Also he got me 4 cool films and a fish eye cutter so I can cut and decorate my photos!
Hatul always gets me the most perfect presentsT_T

Today I spent my day doing some house chores and I'm thinking of dying my hair later too:P I wanted to go to the hisalo but I'm too lazy to go to TLV :XXX
We'll seeXD
Have a great day and week everyone!
I'm glad you got to have some fun still! And I can't wait to see how your photos turn out, the camera is so cute ♥
返信削除- Amiman♥