Good Morning!^^

So as part of my decision to blog everyday I thought I'd finally finish my Spring Coordinating Tips for Gals series lol it's literally summer in Israel already but for those of you that are living in places that it's still spring, I'm gonna use the last day of May to post this XD

So in the first two parts I was talking about the kind of items that are nice to coord in spring and how to actually do that in your everyday looks and casual outfits and make them more gal~
You can check the first to parts here

Part One
Part Two

In this part (that I think might be the last one even though I really wanted to make another one but it (seems like next thing I'm gonna do is summer tips lol
I'll be talking about one of the biggest puzzlers in gal fashionXD...

So as part of my decision to blog everyday I thought I'd finally finish my Spring Coordinating Tips for Gals series lol it's literally summer in Israel already but for those of you that are living in places that it's still spring, I'm gonna use the last day of May to post this XD

So in the first two parts I was talking about the kind of items that are nice to coord in spring and how to actually do that in your everyday looks and casual outfits and make them more gal~
You can check the first to parts here

Part One
Part Two

In this part (that I think might be the last one even though I really wanted to make another one but it (seems like next thing I'm gonna do is summer tips lol
I'll be talking about one of the biggest puzzlers in gal fashionXD...
Season Mix & Match

Yap, we all know that weird gyaru tend to wear stuff that makes you wonder WHAT WEATHER WAS IT WHEN THE PHOTO WAS TAKEN??
Well, even tho it seems very all over the place and "when do I even wear this kind of outfit", I think it looks very gal and I was able to break it down to some "rules" that I'm gonna try and explain and hopefully it will make SOME sense www

Yap, we all know that weird gyaru tend to wear stuff that makes you wonder WHAT WEATHER WAS IT WHEN THE PHOTO WAS TAKEN??
Well, even tho it seems very all over the place and "when do I even wear this kind of outfit", I think it looks very gal and I was able to break it down to some "rules" that I'm gonna try and explain and hopefully it will make SOME sense www
Well the ground rule to this coordinating system is
Even if it's winter, It's still summer for me xoxo
Even if it's winter, It's still summer for me xoxo
So, We combine long & short, Thick & Thin, winter\summer accessories and so on.
1. Summer Knits
I mean all those sleeveless knit tops, mini dresses and such.
Combine one of those with a pair of boots and you're good to go!
There is nothing that screams Kotobuki Ran more then a sleeveless turtle neck knit top.
And you know who else did it very well?

And you know who else did it very well?

The other two are even cuter but I'll talk about THAT later:D
(Shibuya 1999)
In this category I wanna add also mokomoko fabrics cause that too is a winter texture in a summer cut:
Here are some more examples for items that are "summer knits"
Also there is this one WC dress that we all know that is sleeveless and has Kumatan on it and matching arm warmers well I can't seem to find the pic but That Too XD
2. Scarfs
Why using a scarf just to get warm?? It can also be just for decor XD

Short sleeves\no sleeves\off shoulder with a scarf is not only giving a cute 2000s look but also can come handy if you're suddenly too cold, And can be easily come off if you're too warm

(Shibuya 1999)

Another thing in this category is this kind of scarf that I don't know the name of in English
It doesn't even has to be a real scarf
3. Winter hats X no sleeves
We all know who is the queen of this look
Yes I'm talking about Tsu chan!
She used to wear a different hat with ANY outfit she did and that was CUTE

I feel like it makes every outfit look a bot amekaji but not necessarily

Other honorable mentions:
Misaki Aono
Another (under rated) queen of season mix & match: Ikemegu
A girl that used to work at colu and I forgot her name
As I said, When you're wearing this colorful printed pompom hat it might look amekaji but you can also use different kinds of winter hats:

4. mini X boots
of course if we're gonna wear a scarf and a hat why not boots?
I actually really like this combo I feel it looks even cuter when you wear sleeveless dress and boots then something with sleeves and boots, It;s something about the balance that makes it cuter imp
It can be any style of boots of course
Engineer boots

Platform boots

Cowboy boots

Bohemian style boots

UGGs (I LOVE how they mixed their boots!!!!)

And.. yeah.
5. Summer outfit X Coat
The most extreme oneXD I feel it fits fancier styles since you usually wear sleeveless items when you go out to party etc
but I wanna talk about the more casual side of it~
The most extreme oneXD I feel it fits fancier styles since you usually wear sleeveless items when you go out to party etc
but I wanna talk about the more casual side of it~
It's pretty simple:
Wear a full summer coord like a crop top and a mini skirt or bear top and shorts and just throw a big coat on topXD
The bigger the coat the better you lookXD
Here, see?
This rule might sound obvious, But the point is- The coat is a part of your outfit. You don't go somewhere and just take it off, You need to find a coord that actually goes well with the outfit and make it look better.

So as I said this is probably the last part of the spring series~ This REALLY took me forever to find pics and write and edit and so and so, That's why unfortunately spring is literally over already lol

BUT it's really important for me to know if this was helpful to you in any way or if it's at least interesting to read, So I'll know if I should take the time to do a summer series as well~ I might start soon cause I have so many things I wanna write about for summer coordinating tips!
So please let me know what you think!

Wish you all a lovely weekend!

Yes! I loved this series! So much inspo and so many reminiscing thoughts of the 90s! I loved those days! Posts like these are great for not only the coord ideas but for the memories as well! I can't wait to try some of these <3