

Last night at the club with Innu & Mayu♡♡

We went to the Brasko club, there was a 2 floor party- Top floor Rock, bottom floor 90sゞ≡(/^_^)/"

Party look v(^o^)

Before the club we had a snack at Oomai and Innu & I had sake, Then at the club we had more drink w we got pretty daijob(*-ω人)k


The DJ in the 90s floor was cool he really looked 90s w


After getting very 酔っぱらい, hanging at the toilet sofa w

I sat on something wet(´;ω;`)


it was CHO fun!!!
The music was great and just the right amount of drinks and fun energy in general♡
at first I had mixed feelings about clubbing cause I didn't do it for so long and I was so tired cause I worked that day but in the end it was so great and I'm so happy we went there(^人^)

Gonna post more photos tomorrow cause I gotta get ready to sleep~
Good night

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