

I know it's been a week but I have an excuse w

I dyed my hair!!

total image change w

it was last week and I wanted to post about this every day but I was too lazy to make the post about the process of it (I will do it eventually though w) and I was just to lazy to post new things in general cause it was such a shifty weather 
and this affects my mood so much(´Д`)
today the rain finally stopped after 2 (or was it 3??) whole weeks!!!! and I feel as of I was reborn 

so here it is, my new color!

What do you think?
my feelings are mixed and so are the comments I got
some people liked it better and some thought the pink was cuter and more me
I sure miss the pink hair cause I feel like it really was more me to have pink hair, but also I feel like I couldn't stand another second of damaging my hair and I want to take care of it before I go pink again (and I will one day w)
so for now, I went for something that fits my current style and is more otonappoi
I was inspired by Ikemegu that always had ressish colors (cause she matches with her toy poodle kitty w 🐩), and Sayoko Ozaki too

I really wonder what it will look like after a few times of washing it
but overall, I love this color and trying to get over missing pink hair by seeing that it already looks more healthy (it's not really more healthy yet, but the color gives an illusion of it, which motivates me to wait till it's really all shiny and healthy)

I will post about the process maybe later today!
now going to clean my room finally!

see you later♡

2 件のコメント:

  1. ur hair color is so cute! very adult cute :)

  2. I love it!!! It came out so nice (๑•́o•̀๑)♥
