Hi Hi everyone!<3
So yesterday I said I'm going to do a big GET post, But until then, I do have some small gets that I wanted to show you from a while ago:>
So as some of you already know, I really like to do simple everyday gal coords, And most of the time, I use off brand or fast fashion items that are available in my area. I think that some people who wants to start doing gal it looks scary cause they might feel like they have to get THE BRANDS to make a good gal look and that looks hard or expansive or for any other reason impossible and that makes them give up even trying, BUT
The gaijin gyaru community is not like that at all. There is no BURANDO obsession like you might think~ people like the brands, But so many gals are wearing just off brand\hand made\fast fashion and make so many amazing gal coords! Also I feel like in the community, if you're a beginner gal you are expected to try harder on the makeup and not buy 4398304983 brand items. It's better you use your everyday clothes to make gal coords and spend time on trying new makeup and new hair techniques^^
So first of all I wanted to say that I really support off brand gal coords and I'll be more then happy to help any gal to make coordinates out of her wardrobe! You'll be surprised how many you can make with stuff that you didn't think that are gal at all!
Second, I'll be writing more about it in my blog and might do lookbooks or something like that if anyone will be interested^^
So in that note I wanna show you my new off brand & fast fashion gets from recently^^
First of all, I bought some stuff on the ZARA sale that just ended, And I can believe how cheap it was:OO
Maxi tight skirt
I wanna wear it Hoshino Aya style like with a floral blouse and atsuzoko sandals<3 Also it will be very cute for oldschool in general with a crop top and a ten gallon hat!
I LOVE knitted summer itemsXD
And if they are glittery even moreXDDD
Mini dress and a top\outer
Look how pretty!!
The skirt was 30 nis and those were each for 20 nis!!!! That's crazy
Gonna wear the dress over a turtle neck I think~ Good for both styles I like- Oldschool gyaru and 60s\70s fashion <3
Also it was Purim in Israel, Which is the Jewish holiday where we wear costumes and that means so many great gal items for saleXDDD People are like ok I'll buy this for one time then I'll store is somewhere until a friend needs a leopard cowboy hat next Purim, And I'm like OK LET'S GO SHOPPING FOR ALL YEAR GAL WARDROBE

So here they are! My new ten gallon hats!:D The one on the right was 20 nis and the left one was 5 !!!!! cause Purim is over and they are selling all purim stuff 50% off XDDDDDD
Bought this for seifuku^^ I have a tie I bought at ParisKids but I can't tie it even if my life are depend on it lolol

so there is a built in one for meXD
Also it had my name on it.
And other stuff that I got:
Ugly green 2000s scarf & a black fake fur bag, 10 nis each
I hope you can see it has butterflies on it~

TOPTEN which is an Israeli accessories brand had a 50% off on all hats and scarfs so~
The hat is actually pink but it came out weird:X The scarf I bought cause I saw that Angeleek video with Aya wearing something similat and I really wanted to try a coord like hersXD
Another thing you can get in Purim: Glitter roll on!:D I wanna get another color, Hopefully I can still find it in stores~

I love the hats :0
返信削除I think it's important to be able to coordinate without main brand pieces, so I really agree with you there!
It's nice and refreshing and interesting to see coords with new items and not just the same five brand pieces
I completely agree with what you mean about brand! It's not that important in gal, as long as you have the right aesthetic. I feel more gal in my zebra skirt from a local store than in some of my datura stuff ��
返信削除First off you are such a huge inspo to me!! You're like my favorite gal!! Also just recently started getting into gal fashion probably about a month or two ago and I felt a little embarrassed calling myself gyaru because I wasn't able to have those well known brands. But knowing that there is support in doing gyaru fahion with off brand or even thrifted items it so motivational!!
返信削除I would do the same thing. Buy things intentionally for gal xD I love a lot of the items you got! Especially that long skirt and hats!
返信削除I do a lot of off-brand for certain styles and pants since my hips don't like Japanese sizes ToT Though it's weird it's okay for most skirts and sukapan o_O; I only really shop for brand when I'm going for oldschool or I see D.I.A. things xD But otherwise I buy at F21 and Old Navy~