It's late I woke up at 11:30 pm lol but I actually went to sleep almost at 5 am...:X
Anyway! We didn't have internet for a few days but now it's fixed and I can blog again^^ So first thing I wanna blog about is some Georgiekaji's and some house progress!

I finally finished my book unit!
I painted it green and left those white parts so it would look more retro pop, It's something I've seen in many rooms and houses in this style when I was looking through inspo pics!

Then I bought this wallpaper sticker and put it on the back of the unit, Which was originally off-white with light blue stripes^^
I'm sooooooo happy with it!
I can't wait for my stuff from fril to arrive so I can keep decorating :D
Today is just a lazy Saturday, I'm having my "morning" coffee and soon after this post I'll go visit my grandparents<3
This week I went to buy some yummy stuff at the Asian market in the central station*0* Hatuli bought a lot there last time but I wanted to go check it out too since I had something to do near the central station anyway
I got some Somen, Udon, Garaettoek (rice cakes), Kanpyo and some matcha filled cookies
I'll share with you some of my favorite things I ate lately in lockdown XD
Rice with kanpyo stripes and kyupi mayo with pickles on the side
Polenta with real corn, Chees underneath and some chopped tomato on the side*0*
My favorite Iraqi food
It's rice with red lentils and spices and butter :O You usually eat it with something on the side in my dad's family you eat it with a sunny side up egg on top and in my mom's family with sour cream
Hatuli made me a quince jam*0* It's so yummy
And he made me a cool dessert with it on top of some Camembert cheese and Festok Halabi (roasted pistachio)
If anyone wants the recipe to anything just tell me lolXD

Now for some Georgiekaji's of this week!
I dress up even though I'm going out for like 20 minutes lol not like I have a choice
Ignore my hairy legs I'm not even sorry for that brand Jane
Bag...fake LV
Hair clip...Daiso
Other accessories...LOVECHU, off brand
Point! brand
Sabrina pants...Central station TLV
Bag...Allenby st. TLV
Bra top...King George st.
Shorts...second hand
Necklace...LoveBo brand
Beaded bracelets...LOVECHU
I now really can't decide what to put on the TV. I ordered a flower shaped clock maybe when it arrives... Right now it's empty and sad
Also I should really move on to my next house project which is the curtains! I'll start tomorrow

Well, That's it for this post:>

Omgggg I love how you fixed up the book unit! Super cute and perf for you!
返信削除That rice and lentils dish looks yummy! O_O
What is kanpyo?
Love your outfits as always!!!!
Can't wait to see what else you do for your home <3