I'm still in pain:( It was very obvious that something will have to complicate the recovery of my teeth removal surgery like always~
I hope it'll be ok soon cause I literally ate only yogurt for 4 days now~

So today I wanted to share a few Georgiekajis (2XD) and some more short hair styles inspo
First outfit is this 2009 Tsu chan\Gyaruo inspired outfit lol

Shirt...Bezalel market
Accessories...off brand
And this was my outfit for a live I did a few weeks ago and it is more retro pop\surf kei^^

Tank top...Rusty
Bra top...Bezalel market
Pants...second hand
Soooo as I said on my previous post, I was looking for some short hair inspo cause ever since I cut my hair which was almost.. a year ago? maybe less, but it was looong time ago
I never really try hard to style it

. the reason is cause my main style is always oldschool gyaru, which usually has no hairstyling involved or at least very little.. They usually had short hair and wore it straight or permed, Maybe some hats or hair accessories but that's it.
I've always wanted to be good at hairstyles and never quite figured out how to do thingsXD But I'm trying to give myself motivation by sharing many amazing short hair gals from later styles!

So today I went through more of the folders in my laptop and came across this black diamond\kuro gyaru folder from maybe.. 2015? 2016?
I used to really love black diamond and their style in that era, So here are some of them with short hair!

I absolutely love that they make those host inspired hair styles on short hair! I feel like those might be easier for me and later if I can do those I can move on to more complicated hair styles^^
Also here are some more inspo pics for short hair!
Yesterday I talked a little about Kanako's hair so here are more pics of the hairstyles she had
they are not super diverse but still cute
And back to randomXD
Wow remember when Kaede was cute? now she's scary:|
Umm... yeah there might be a part 3..XD
Seriously if you need inspo for ANYTHING just ask me I'll have itXD
And for another thing~
Emi & I have another episode of Charisma Sisters on Instagram at 23:00! I'm still not sure what I'm gonna wear but I wanna try to focus on hair:O We'll see what comes out

I really hope tomorrow I will feel better:( I'm so tired of being in pain all the time:||
Anyway, Gonna organize my room for tonight cause it's a messXD
See you next time!<3

HI bb ´A`I hope you feel betetr soon, thooth pain is a terrible kind of pain ´ ~ `
返信削除On a lighter more happy note(lol) seeing all this short hair inspo makes my HEART GO DOKI DOKI and want to chop my hair off again ww
You'll look amazing in tonight's charisma sisters talkshow (I will watch it tomorrow tho T_T or else I'll be a zombie at work lol)
don't chop you beautiful hairrrrrrrrrrr<\3333333 I love your hairstyles so muchT_T Give me tips on hairstyling onegaiiiiiiiii
削除And sadly we won't have a Charisma Sisters episode today after allT_T We'll do one later this week though!<3
Hope you're feeling better, Georgie!!! It really sucks not being able to eat properly :(
返信削除And omggggggg so much hair inspo!!!! It's also making me want to do split dye D: But I think I would get that done professionally XD I'd be too scared to do it myself. I have a few EGG issues of Kanako! I love her style too~
And 2015/6 Black Diamond is about when I started falling in love with them too!
I love the split dye! I kinda miss my half pink hair*_*
削除Kanako is really inspiring to me I just loooooove boyish stylesXDD