How are you today?

I woke up with good energy
and also in the GOGO group there were tons of new inspo pics so I feel the agepoyo levels rise upXD 

Just wanted to make a quick post cause I'm bored lol so basically just me talking about whatever
First of all, Home update!

The living room is almost ready, But I still need those curtains and hopefully more plants^^
I love it so much this whole apartment has such good vibe and I'm just really happy hereT_T
Also I finally made something in the kitchen like I promised myself I will. I promised that when we will have a nice kitchen I'll get over my fear and hate towards cooking so yesterday I woke p naturally at like 7:45 and couldn't go back to sleep so by early noon I was really hungry and decided to make something easy

I made some somen and menysuyu and had old somen for lunch, Hatuli loved it too^^ Gonna eat it again todayXD I feel like this is the perfect food for me as someone who prefers old food over hot food anytime
Also I wanted to share a Georgiekaji from the past week when I went to run some errands
I ended up looking exactly like I did in 2005 lol that's all cause of the pantsXD but also the haircut I guess
Well, Lately I'm not sure what my boom is...
I'm really into 99' still (forever) as I feel like it's so endless and has so many things I still haven't done and haven't tried and I want to, But I was in a little of a style crisis lately and I feel it has something to do with the hair and makeup cause in the 99' style the hair and make are so simple and I felt kinda bored in a way and also I couldn't find that one makeup that looks good and I can be sure that I'll feel cute with, So I was trying something new everytime and it never felt right. Also lately Emi changed her boom a little bit and she was like I'm not sure where this is going and we started looking at 2011~2013 egg models like Yun, Yumachi and Aina and all this gang
and I felt inspired to try it, Also I really missed this kind of gyaru lifestyle that really reminded me of old days of AkipoyoT_T I though about it a lot lately.

Anyway, All those flashy looks inspired me to try the big eye makeup again and I had fun and kinda found something I liked, So I think I'll keep doing this right now even though I'm not even sure what exact style is inspiring me or which one of the models specifically. I'm still gonna do 99' style cause it's my true love alwaysXD
I'll keep you updated when I find my boomXDD
Anyway, I'm getting kinda hungry so I think I'll make me some somen lol also I wanted to go out and get some things so I should really do that before Shabbat is entering
and everything shuts down

(Btw don't talk to me about struggles having a gal life style in your country you all have 1.5 more days in the week then we do lol

Bye for now, Have a great day!
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