So I wanted to blog today about an Akipoyo meet from last week or something but I had so many things to do that I ended up with no time at all!

I went to the post office FINALLY to pick some packages that I got and I can't wait to show you what was in them

But now I'm gonna just blog about 2 recent Georgiekajis for work cause I have to get ready~~ We're going to Karaoke today for Noy's bday<3
So recently idk why I felt like wearing some of my 1999 pieces that I got last year and haven't got the chance to properly wear!
I liked doing those kind of co*des even though it's 2007 now w

Obviously I thought of my love Ran chan while making those outfits!
Belt...Alba Rosa
Necklaces...Akipoyo, off brand
Top...from mercari from my aunt
Necklace...Love Boat
Sunglasses are also LoveBo
My mask is matching to my top:D
yay! 2 happy things:
1. starting today we don't have to wear masks outside anymore!
I still have to wear it at work tho

2. I'm finally going to the hisalo againT_T After forever!!! I started going to a new hisalo that is basically outside Zara so it's so much easier for me to go there!
I liked Sun Smile but it was really mendokusai to go there cause it's not so close to Dizisen

Also look how cute
Got it from Hatuli cause I was mad at him about somethingT_T So I woke up in the morning and it was on the kitchen table...
how can you stay mad after this
Well, Gotta go now!
I have to do my hair and make~~

I always enjoyed seeing your 99-outfits <33
返信削除Thank yooouT_T<3
削除Aaah I really like your 99 outfits! You add such lovely details to them like that super cute belt <33333 Hope you have fun at Karaoke! <333
返信削除Thank yooooou<333
削除I'm so happy I got to wear those tops cause really I thought I'd probably won't wear them this season cause of my 2007 boom but somehow they worked for me!^^
You look so Ran! Omgggg I am in love! You always know how to find and style the most amazing COLU pieces! I hope I can do well too with the ones I just got~