How are you today?

My day was super stressful w
I had a day off yesterday so I wasn't at work to make a delivery planning, and all the new items I got today........... I was lost w
But I somehow handled it I guess I hope I won't get a call from my CM asking why I put a whole collection in the stockroom:')
Last week I met Noy & Innu after work! Or was it 2 weeks ago? I already can't remember w
Co*De Check!

Bag...Liz Lisa
Earrings...Paris Kids
Super spring outfit cause it was really nice weather that day

I love my new Liz dress!! I have a boom of colorful plaid prints w

With the gals

We went to drink matcha milk at So Bing
Then we went to the center and we had some snacks and just chat
until we had to go home or at least I did cause I had work the next morningT_T

Food baby
Dizisen has flower all over cause it's spring!!!

I really can't wait to meet the gals again even though we met yesterday for Karaoke but I already wanna meet again w it was too short

Today I went to the hisalo after work and now I have to do laundry and dishes and all thatT_T
And also have to go to sleep early cause work tomorrow as always...
Life is so stressfullT_T
Well I hope you all have a great week!

כה נאהההה
返信削除האאוטפיט מושלם!!זה הזכיר לי ממש את השמלה שיש לי מטרלהלה שנוי קנתה לי ליומולדת^^
מתי נלב שיחדדדדד
ונראה שהיה לכם כיף~~
ובלי קשר מה שחתול עשה בפוסט הקודם ממש קאוואי
בכלל תודה אהובייייי
削除כבר יש לי מיליון פריטים לעשות דייט טרלהלה כבר זה מיליון דייטים!!! ובכלל גם בא לי ליז ליסה של פעםםםםם מתי נעשההההההה
That dress is so cuuuuute! I love super old LL! It's like from a different lifetime! And that bubble tea looks soooo goooooood