Blogging before I go to sleep!

Tshirt...Uniqlo brand brand
Point! My safari belt
I really love those pumps I got from Shein!!! I got another pair that you might have seen here already~
I really need a red pair as well and hot course hot pink! A must
I got 2 pairs from ebay and they are both too small for me:( They're supposed to be 38 but they are 37 and a small 37 as wellT_T I guess I'll just sell them..
I got some winter shoes too they arrived waaaaaay too late w
And also this hat from WEGO that is also too hot to wear
And this knit dress that I've seen Tsu chan wear and I forgot where it was w if anyone have the pic please send it to me www
I got a few more things from 109 (w) but I'll make a post about them separately
Today we went to see more apartments but so far no luckT_T We have a month and 10 days to move:( I hate that I wish we didn't have to move....
Well I hope we'll get more luck soon and finally find our new home;;
Going to take a shower now and then go to sleep as
I work at 7 AGAIN we have shoes delivery and I'm gonna coordinate it after forever that I didn't do shoes coordination this is gonna be fun w I really like that

Thinking of going to the hisalo again tomorrow but we'll see...
Oh and one last thing! I changed the Poupee that was in the side of my blog!
It was a winter co*de
And now it's more spring! I feel like this fits better to my current style^^
Good night cuties!
Ive really been wanting to get some pumps I think this post tipped me over the edge www and I hope u can find an apartment soon! this summer I have to go apartment hunting and I’m not looking forward to it ~_~;
返信削除They r so useful they make every outfit cuter!( ・ω・) and I was tipped over the edge by Akichu tbh w she has such cute outfits with colorful pumps!
削除And good luck to u too!!;;♡
I loooooove it all! Yeahhhh Andy got me into getting pumps too XD I'm still waiting on the one pair I could find ;_;
返信削除Oh nooooo why do you have to move? I thought you loved this place D:
And how are you using Poupee girl? I thought it was dead!