


I got new nails yesterday

Lily is not working rn so I went to a nailist called Chen she also does kawaii nails~

After getting my nails done I went to meet mayu at Mententen and we had ramen,
I didn't eat at all that day up until this ramen I was so hungry (´Д`)

Then Noy & Tal came too from the yayoi kusama exhibition (I really wanna go already!!!) And they joined us

After that we went to so Bing and tal went home, and then after reading the 2月 popteen issue (wedding coverrrr) we went home

I was so tiredddd

But when I got home I saw I got a package with all those goodies 

I'll take better pics soon!

Omw to work now and I'm dying for coffee 

I'll post more later!
Have a great day!♡

3 件のコメント:

  1. Your new nails are so cute <3 I can't wait to see what you bought exactly (I can already see VH and Gilfy hats *A*<3)!!

  2. Your new nails look like candy!!! I'm in loveeeeee.
    Also really wanting to do more shopping even tho I shouldn't XD
