You wouldn't believe what a nightmare!
my phone died last night~
It was on % battery and I plugged it to the charger but when I woke up in the morning I saw it wasn't charged at all
Then I tried to plug it to different chargers and stuff but nothing worked and it just died..
This is so mendokusai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course it has to happen on Saturday when nothing is open and there is no place I can go to fix it
I have to wait till tomorrow and then it's gonna be super mendokusai as well cause to work without my phone is a nightmare and also I'll have to wait for the shop to open and all that....
I knew my battery was bad but I didn't think it would just one day....... STOP WORKING
my phone is not even that old
I did a question thing on my story and now I can't see any of the questions
At least I have my blog
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