It's the same branch I was working at for a few days before the last lockdown~ This week and the next 2 weeks probably as well, Me & Jun (Dizisen VC) have to go to a different branch everyday
It's very mendokusai and also pretty stressful, But I'm trying to keep up with everything w

Just a quick outfit post before I go, This was my outfit on Sunday!
As I said yesterday I wear a lot of WC lately and that day I did as well^^
Also, I did new nails on Saturday!
Very simple cause I didn't have much time and I had to do them quickly!


Bag... brand
Hisabisa odango hair~~
Nettan bought it for my birthday a few years ago and this is one of the best items I own www
Now I have to go get ready, I'm meeting Jun and our commercial manager at the train station and we all go together to this branchX_X Wish me luck
btw just wanted to mention I miss my friends so much and I miss my HatuliT_T
Because he works nights mostly, I wake up before he does and I go to sleep before he's back
That's really annoying:((

Life are super stressful right now but I have a day off on Friday so at least I'll be able to get some rest and get some things done around the house!
Hope everyone has a lovely day! And also wanted to say I'm sorry I didn't reply to any comments lately!
Thank you all so much and I promise I will do it today!
And sorry if I kinda disappeared lately, I'll be back as soon as work gets a little less hectic.

Love you!


Awww I hope things quiet down for you soon! It really sucks when things get hectic but just hang in there!♥
返信削除Oh bby, I'm so sorry to read what you're going through and I really hope things will start to settle down and go back to normal so that you can see your loved ones again <3 Don't worry about replying to comments etc! Focus on your health first! <3
返信削除Also, I really really love this WC Georgiekaji! *3*
I'm sorry to hear things have been so stressful for you I hope you have more time off and a chance to relax soon <3