Just an outfit post before I start my week!
This outfit was one of last week's try to keep in trend with 2021 while doing me w

Blouse...off brand
Hat...off brand
I gotta say compared to the other outfits of last week this one was a little less trendy maybe, But still ok!
This week Jun & I are gonna do the denim presentation and that's so stressful cause it's gonna be filmed for the whole company to see:') We still have a lot of work to do
We have to do our best as this is really important for our future in the company I feel~~
Well, I hope everyone has a lovely week and I'll try blogging more!
See you next time!
You got this!!!! You can do it!!! I love love love your co*de!
返信削除Thank you so much my cutie!!!<3333333333
削除you’re gonna do amazing!!! and as always your co*de is super cute <333
返信削除Thank you so much gorgeous T_T<333